Thursday, May 24, 2007

Mount KK climb - 16th - 20th June

18th of june.. 18 of us start our mission to climb the highest peak in Malaysia... mount KK. 4095.2km high.
This is the detail of our trip :
First day - 16th June (weather : Raining & cloudy)
Arrive at KK , free and easy. We went to Centre point and Millenium square for our grocery shopping for the KK climb.
Went for city sight seeing by foot at night to look for good food. At the end, we settle with Sabah "bak kut teh" which is so so only.

Second day - 17th June (weather : Sunny and no rain)
Proceed to Mesilau park in preparation for the climb. We stop by a hanging bridge (Jambatan Tamparuli), and Pekan Nebalu. Bought souvenir , some local desert and banana in the Pekan Nebalu. The souvenirs are cheap and the deserts are cheap and delicious :)

We have 2 bedroom with 9 in each room. Went for some tea in the cafe in the afternoon and everyone start our "show hand" and packing for the bags to bring up to the mountain next day, and the bags to pass to porters.

Have dinner in Mesilau park and went to bed by 10pm to prepare to wake up "very" early in next day.

Third day - 18th June *the CLIMB DAY* (Weather: Extremely good, only rain on 3pm)

Wake up at 5.30am, have our early breakfast and one last check for the climb. Proceeds to the Mesilau gate at 7.30am. They splitted 18 of us to 3 group -

Shirlee, Lai Tee, Mei Chien, Fatma, Ezreen and Tony
Yen Erl, Annie, Poh Wai, Jee Ing, Bee Hong and Kok Foong
Me, Tze, Wee, Ben, Cham and Ki Woei

AC18 start at 7.30am, AE18 start at 7.45am and AD18 only start at 8am due to their guide was late. Anyway, the group separated and merged together according to our pace. The hike was tough in the first few hundreds meter due to non-stop steep climb and became better after 1km . It was continously down slope , crossing water fall and river. We enjoyed this trail very much by chatting and taking photo along the way.

The trail become harder after the hanging bridge. That was never endling of slope and stair cases. This part of the trail was really testing our mind and stamina. However, we still try out best to keep chatting , taking photo along the way to forget bout the toughness of the trail.

After a while.. we arrive at a flat ground with the breathtaking and spectacular view which I call this the "heaven" of the trail . We were among the trees, flowers and the cloud.

And later.. it lead to the Layang-Layang site (which the junction between Timbuhan trail and Mesilau Trail) . We enjoy our short break here and of coz photo taking again. Ben remained in that spot for an hour to ensure everyone move up of the mountain instead of choosing the path to go down . (which we called "patah balik" in malay)

The last few 500m to Lapan rata was the toughest trail that we had experienced as we were all tired but still had to climb the rocky trail. However, with our toughest mind , we successfully concur it and reach Lapan rata by 1.45am (the earliest) and 3pm (The latest).

We stay overnight in Gunting Laganan (the non heated hostel). We slept around 7pm in prepare for the 2nd day climb up to the peak.

Fourth day - 19th June (Weather : Rain in 12am until 2am, good weather until 12pm in the afternoon)
We woke up at 12.30am and discover Ben was having fever. Except Ben and Wee (who complained bout the pain and decided not to climb the day before)... the rest of us get ourselves gear up with jacket, gloves, headlight..etc and start our journey to the peak.

Our all girls team (AE18) start the journey 1st and leave around 2.30am. The starting was always hard due to our legs were not warm up. The trail from Gunting Laganan to the peak pretty steep and rocky. With the cold weather.. it was torturing and can dampen our spirit easily. Tze, Ki Woei and I were together along the journey and try out best to take photo in each KM. We reach the peak at 5.30am and able to capture the sun rise. We only stay in the peak for half an hour and see most of our team member reach the peak before we move down.

Going down the trail was more tough than climbing up as the sky were bright now and it can clearly see the gradiant of the trail. People with height phoebia may have a problem to get down from the peak. We arrive back at Gunting Laganan around 9 am and we had breakfast in Lapan rata and continue our journey down to Timbuhan gate from 10.45am.
As this is my 2nd time to KK with all the training before this climb, going down was actually easier for me and I separated with the rest of the team and use my fastest speed to go down the moutain. I took 2 hrs 45min .. which reach Timbuhan gate around 1.30pm. Ben was there while I arrive as he uses his climberton speed and ran down the mountain. He took 1 and 1/2 hrs from Lapan Rata to Timbuhan gate.

Tze arrive around 1.45pm , which is only 15 mins later than me .. not too bad !! We waited for the whole team to arrive and leave KK park and back to KK town .

Fifth day - 20th May (Weather : Sunny)
Finally , this is our last day. Walk with Ben to look for public bus to airport at 7.30am and check out by 9am. We went to Manukan and Sapi island in the afternoon. I did some snokelling in Manukan, and had BBQ lunch in Sapi. Hang aroung in the San Frac coffee house for 2 hrs in KK town before heading to airport to go back to KL.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

My personal test result

個性你是個重視美和氣氛的浪漫主義者。你沒有很強的物慾,所以,也不會特意去營造財產。你認為不必買房子,只要有住的地方即可,比起買個房子但必需遠距離通勤,你寧願在都市附近租間公寓住。你是一個在心智上完全臻於成熟的人。每天精神奕奕、充滿自信,同時又很受到朋 友們的信賴。但是相對地,你對日常生活乃至人生的態度稍嫌嚴肅了一點。或許是因為 你給別人的印象就是如此,而你也刻意地去表現出這一面。不過,如果你能更加任性點 ,偶而輕鬆一下,不要固執地想要一直去扮演完人的角色。說不定反而能提高你的聲望也說不定。 你是那種吵架吵完就忘的類型。無論吵得再凶,對方說得多難聽 ,睡了一覺之後,你都好像沒發生過一樣地能和對方繼續相處。這樣的態度,反倒是讓對方自己覺得慚愧,而能順利地言歸於好。在你的觀念裡,認為錢是要用來花的,而不是用來存的,所以,只要是你想要的東西,就不會計較金錢而非買不可。你賺多少錢就會花多少,不會把錢留下來,又加上你的審美觀很豐富,所以買的東西價位都相當高。你的個性稍微有點愛好虛榮,所以要特別注意,同時要改掉浪費的壞習慣。你是那種外表自信,可是內在卻很心虛的那種人,你非常害怕別人會看出你內在信心不足,所以在不知不覺中,會隨著社會所認同的價值,而隨波逐流,但是往往又不能完全理解其中的道理,導致牛頭不對馬嘴的毛病,看來你要再用功點,多做點人際功課吧!你是個講理的人,希望能好聲好氣與別人商量事情,基本上,你彬彬有禮的態度,通常都可以與人為善。但這世界上還是會有一些說不通道理的惡霸,這時候,你也不會被嚇得退縮,你會去找合乎法律程序的途徑來解決問題,讓人家輸得心服口服,你的柔性兼具理性的策略,總是可以奏效。你是心地非常善良的人,但與人相處時為了不想暴露自己的缺點而設了一道防線,所以有時會被人誤會為不容易親近之人,雖然朋友不多,但能擁有深厚友誼。再者有優秀的數字能力,能在理工上一展長才。你的個性保守,相當重視道德.因此這種類型的人很重視自己的想法,不勉強自己與他人交往,有頑固的一面.你能擁有一份可以發揮自己專長的工作,逐步完成自己的夢想。你做事努力,但因為人過於老實經常上當,做事不得要領,但一旦掌握就決絕對不會忘記。
愛情你的感情表現常常是勇敢、開明、自由的,因為你非常的坦然,因此從來不喜歡猜忌或懷疑別人對你的態度和心意。你對人有很好的包容力,如果遇到實在不喜歡的人,採取態度是迴避,不會直接衝突。暗戀是你最拿手的戀愛方式!永遠只在遠遠的地方看著心儀的人,幻想著有一天他會主動來約你.愛他就要勇敢說出來!加油唷。先天上你就是一個會掌控戀情的人,不管是怎樣的戀情,一但讓你遇上了,你都能順利地照著自己的意思運作;而且你非常地瞭解異性的心理,知道什麼時候該撒嬌、什麼時候該使性子,這也正是你的魅力所在,所以對方很快地就會被你吸引。在一旁等到沒人時才上前去欣賞那幅畫,正是屬於等候型的人。這種人只會傻傻的等待机會上門,不會自己去尋找,因此常有眼睜睜看著心上人被人搶走的經驗,真可憐!你喜歡比你年輕,可愛而嬌小的異性,戀愛時會樂於工作賺錢。男性會喜歡古典型,順從丈夫而文靜老實的女人。你的個性還蠻活潑的,對於感情,也比較傾向直來直往的方式,所以,你的感情常在哥兒們環境醞釀,和情人一起,就有如和朋友一樣輕鬆自然,是對打打鬧鬧的歡喜冤家。你喜歡不受打擾的兩人世界,或許也因為生活範疇較為狹隘的關係,讓你覺得一旦找到心目中的完美對象,就希望能夠找到一處孤絕的所在,兩個人快快樂樂終此一生。你的眼中只有對方,要求對方也是這樣。在你的強壓政策下,如果愛人肯吃這一套,那你們真可說是舉世無雙的絕配啊!你會因愛人的言行舉止,而產生許多迷惑,你不能肯定他是否真心愛你,也不知道愛情會延續多久,所以你時常為了這個問題而煩惱不安,其實你不必這麼懷疑對方,應該以信心和誠意來對待他,才能共創永恆的愛情。你是穩紮穩打型的人,雖然你對於婚前的性行為,不會採反對的態度,但是你一定會再三確定對方的心意,才肯去付出,雖然你對失去對方,不會有太過激烈的想法,但是只要曾經是屬於你的,你就會一直堅持下去,不會輕易變心!你給異性的感覺是個喜歡交朋友的人,所以跟你較相近的對象也應該是個悠然自得、懂得享受愛情的人。你們兩人很可能成為令人近羨的鴛鴦夫妻。在交往的時候你會有結婚的念頭,尤其是選婆婆的意味更濃。因此,以結婚為前提之下,會努力地去尋覓另一半。你的醋勁不算太大,但是偶爾會疾火中燒,不過不是很強烈,不過忍耐太久 就會有爆發的可能。
人際關係無論遇到甚麼人,你也會真誠相對,實話實說,可謂有點天真爛漫。不過,在某些場合上,卻因過份的毫無保留而令對方感到尷尬。因為 性格率直無機心,所以很受朋友歡迎。為了顯示實力,也會向別人提供不少八卦秘聞,總之有你出現的地方,就絕不會有沉悶場面。工作上,率直的性格令你成 為上司的好助手。你狂狷的性格總為自己帶來一點麻煩,惹得別人對你的死硬脾氣有點感冒。人家覺得不是很重要的小節,在你眼中,可是了不得的大事,要是觸犯了你的禁忌,十年不相往來是很有可能發生的事。雖說如此,你對於合得來的知交,卻是好得不得了,願意以寶劍相贈知己,出手闊綽,令人咋舌。你在交朋友是一個大好人,但是與朋友在一起的時候會有一面倒的趨勢,小心不要讓別人覺得你在搞小團體。

Last day at work @8th May

Finally come to the "DAY" when I have been waiting since last year September. I have been doing a lot of farewell with other colleagues and always trying to imagine how will be my own farewell ...

When the "DAY" really arrive, the feeling is very normal because there is still emails to reply, issues to handle, reports to prepare, vouchers to sign.. the only different is I have a very relax mind and only worry all the issues until today and as tomorrow issues will be handle by my best friend "Cham " :)

This day become special and unforgettable due to my most respected staffs ... Nafizah, Ezreen, Ellyani, Raihan and Siti .. thank you for the surprise... flowers and gift .. and the farewell dinner that you have held for me . I will never forget all of you and thank you again to be my "guinea pig" for the past year to try on different managerial style and to train myself to be a better person.

From TTDI 14th flr, move to 19th flr, move to uptown, move to Bandar Utama now, this is my most unforgettable 5 years... earn some trips to Singapore, Thailand, Australia and US.. I have never thought this will be my journey when I joined the company . Although there is a lot of times we does not agree with the company but I can't deny that it is a place that groom me and train to become the new "me" now :)

I know a lot of friends here.. Cham, Ki Woei, Yen Erl, Shirlee, Ti Jean, Carol... really happy to know you and I enjoy all your companion in these years . Hope the friendship will not stop here and will continue forever.

I m looking forward for the break and staying at home to be slack... This is the only time where the time is 100% belong to mine ..

Ipoh Chinese Chamber Centennial Half Marathon @ 6th May

A memorable run for me as this is my first time getting 2nd prize from a race, but this is pure lucky as there is 10k bomba run in KL where most of the talented runner participate in the KL run and did not travel 3 hrs to Ipoh for this run.

I believe this is the least crowd that I have come across among all my races, and I think only total 15 to 16 women participate in the open category... thus it is very lucky for me to get 2nd prize using 1hr 48 mins. The total distance is less than 21k , someone told me is 18 or 19K... anyway, I do enjoy the prize giving and the additional income that earned from this race :)

As usual, it is enjoyable when we run around the town and able to sight see Ipoh town .. but it get tougher when we come to the highway as highway is always dry and boring that you can only a long road with many runners and have nothing to sightsee.. I only have the chance to run with the woman champion in the open category ( a indian lady from Ipoh Brooks club) & Wai Man from pacesetter on the first 3k and was running alone with a lot of runners taking over me after that :) The suffering part is after the U turn point as I already feel tired, but still able to complete the race with partially walking and running.

Will have to say thank you to Yen Erl's friend --- Hui Yen and her bf for bringing us to Ipoh for this run and enjoy the nice food in Ipoh. Tau foo fah, ipoh ho fun, nga chai gai, local biscuit,salted chicken... we will be able to enjoy all this food without them :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Gunung Datuk @ 1th May

1st of May is the labour day and we are all discipline citizen that follow the government rule that "not" be working on the labour day and went for a short hiking trip on Gunung Datuk, Rembau.

I slept at 3.30am on the night before due to David's unfinished ARMS.. anyway, still able to wake up at 5.30am before the rest of the hiking mates (Shirlee, Yen Erl, Jee Ing, Mei Chien) reached my house at 6.30am. We leave home at 6.45am and meet Kelvin and Ann at Senawang toll at 7.30am.

This is my 2nd time up to this hill and already set the expectation that it will be tough and steep in the beginning. I start with a more relax pace this round and take my time to hike to the top. Very fortune that Kelvin join us for this trip and he volunteer himself the be the sweeper and take care of the slowest hiker :)

Ah Tze and I take around 1 1/2 hr to reach the peak and the rest reach within the next 1/2 hr. It is misty on the peak this time and can't see much view and most of us afraid on going up the peak as we need to climb through the steep rock. Again, need to thank to Kelvin again who help all of us to reach the peak.

Going down is always the most difficult part of this climb as going down the steep rock really hurt our knee. Yen erl and tze are expert in going down hill now after the every weekend training in Gasing. Ann and I were pace together and after a few slip and fall , we slow down our speed and were very careful while going downhill .

All of us reach the car park by 2.30pm and we proceeds to lunch at Seremban. It is an enjoyable climb and all of us enjoys it especially Shirlee and Jee Ing ** .